Saturday, 29 June 2013

Boozing and Sniffling

My neighbour came in to say goodbye this evening and we both ended up in tears. I suck at letting things go. So, with a sense of profound self-congratulation for having the foresight not to pack the gin, I’m spending my last night in my house toasting the memories and making a list move-related of things for which I’m grateful:

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Closing Door

The time has come...

I was filling a spot on the wall this evening that my dog had chewed (yeah, my dog chews walls. Is that not a thing dogs do?) when he was a puppy, and it suddenly hit me: I’m leaving. I’m not too proud to admit that I promptly burst into tears.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Winging It

Luckily, it turns out you can’t tell how a day’s going to go by virtue of the fact that you lose your iPhone first thing. I’m on my way home from the BECTU Freelancer’s Fair in London, and it was fantastic.